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Andrea Bear reviews the Gospel of Matthew Scripture Study, The Beatitudes and Francis of Assisi, from the Hagios Study Series.

Looking for a peaceful and meditative Bible study? The Gospel of Matthew Scripture Study, The Beatitudes and Francis of Assisi from the Hagios Study Series is a perfect study to help you grow deeper in Scripture.




"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:3)


This is the first Beatitude mentioned by Jesus during His Sermon on the Mount, and one of the most well-known Bible verses. On the surface, this Scripture verse indicates Jesus wants us to practice humility and to consider our neighbors rather than boast or become proud. But when we look deeper, the message is linked with Jesus's references to past Scriptures, confirming His words were always intentional. For instance, the word “poor” in the Greek translation ptōchos means afflicted, fatherless, lowly.

Hagio Studios has developed a study called The Beatitudes and Francis of Assisi that not only connects to other Scripture, but also links to one of the most well-known saints. Author Kristina Romero dives deep into each of the Beatitudes using the ancient Lectio Divina method for Scripture study.

This eight-week study also has bonus features which include an app loaded with videos and options for starting a small group as well as Lectio Divina meditation. I loved how Romero provides the option for the app so that the Bible study is accessible anywhere. This is a fantastic study for someone who wants to connect the biblical word to history and St. Francis’s life as well as practice the meditative prayers of Lectio Divina.


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Copyright 2022 Andrea Bear
Images: Canva