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As Elizabeth Estrada hopes to be given a second chance, she ponders the ways God offers us that grace.

Many times, I have not been a fan of giving people second chances, I know it sounds terrible, but I am not talking about the little things: I am talking about the big things. Those pains leave scars that may open at a certain time of year and even when you hear a particular song or drive by a certain place. 

I have discovered that I have many scars that happened in my childhood and teen years. Many of those I have worked through and forgiven. 

Recently I am at the other end of the situation. I am not the one giving a second chance but hopefully waiting to be given the second chance. 

My perspective is different this time. I want to be understood and trusted, which is ironic since many times I was afraid to trust and felt misunderstood, which made me fear even with the thought of giving that second chance. 

But aren’t I lucky that God has given me more second chances than I can count! I am very thankful that God isn’t me because the world would be in trouble. As I try to become closer to God, especially during this Advent season, I am praying for my second chance. 

God sees and wills all things. If He thinks this is the best thing, it will be given. If not, I am sure God has lessons for me to learn. 

Are you waiting for a second chance?  


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As I try to become closer to God, especially during this Advent season, I am praying for my second chance.


Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Estrada
Images: Canva