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In advance of the always-busy Christmas holiday, Charisse Tierney decided to seek out ways to intentionally simplify the season.

Hosting holiday dinners and events, making sure family Christmas traditions come together, and the hustle and bustle of extra church services, concerts, and social engagements can leave me feeling frazzled and less than joyful during the most wonderful time of the year.  

This year, I want to try to find ways to simplify the traditions of the season so I can be more focused on what truly matters. I want to live liturgically, without feeling like it is stressful work to do so. I want others to catch a glimpse of the joy of heaven through our holiday traditions and feel the joy of being in relationship with Jesus and His saints. Here are a few ideas for simplifying the holiday season. 




Declutter the house.  

I know there will be more, toys, food, clothes, and other holiday items coming into our house soon. By spending a few minutes decluttering each day, I’ll make space for what’s coming in and take inventory of what we have so I can make good choices when buying gifts and giving wish lists to extended family. 



I’m planning to pare down my Christmas decor significantly this year. While I want the house to look special and festive, I want to choose decor that points to the real reason for the season without being overshadowed by unnecessary frills. 


Keep meals simple and cook what I know.

I’ve hosted enough holiday dinners to know a main dish that always works, the side dishes that are the simplest, and the pie I make best. By keeping meals simple and making what I know best, I’ll eliminate the stress of juggling too many dishes and hoping the new recipes I try come out suitable for consuming. 




Focus on the intention behind the gifts I buy. 

Rather than getting caught up in trying to find the perfect gift for everyone, I’ll focus on the gesture of love behind it. I will never find a material thing to give someone that will satisfy their every desire…but I can give it with a smile and a sincere expression of my love for them. 


Allow myself to let some things go. 

This is a hard one. When I feel stressed about hosting or planning an event, I realize it’s my pride getting in the way. I want to work on being at peace with having a less than perfectly clean house when company comes over, or serving a meal that is far from gourmet quality, or accidentally giving a gift that someone might already have. 


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This year, I want to try to find ways to simplify the traditions of the season so I can be more focused on what truly matters. #CatholicMom


When I can accept myself as a poor, humble, and flawed vessel, then I can better relate to the poor, humble and flawed stable—and the miracle that filled it and made it perfect. 



Copyright 2023 Charisse Tierney
Images: Canva