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Erin McCole Cupp offers a fresh look at the broken heart beneath the complaining spirit.

In our Hangout this week, we're focusing on complaining. Complaints help us discover what's going on inside. If I want to complain, it's because I'm in pain. If I'm speaking with complaints, it's because there's pain underneath it.

Learn to help yourself grow as a child of gratitude rather than a child of pain.

How do we stop complaining?



Join us for this fun & inspiring CatholicMom Hangout. And be sure to add your thoughts, questions & ideas in the comments!

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Complaints help us discover what's going on inside. If I want to complain, it's because I'm in pain. #catholicmom

Resources mentioned in this episode:

My Courses & Community page with information on how to join my free Heard Mentality no-social-media community

First Comes Love: Finding Your Family in the Church and the Trinity by Dr. Scott Hahn

What's Your Cycle-Breaking Beatitude? quiz: get a free chapter from my book, All Things New

All Things New: Breaking the Cycle and Raising a Joyful Family

VIDEO: My Food Story: 100-Pound Weight Loss

Sign up for my free Self-Control 101 e-course

Pray the Chaplet of Gratitude and Surrender on Thursday mornings at Clubhouse


Catholic Mom for Insta 3

Copyright 2022 Erin McCole Cupp