Maria V. Gallagher finds Straight to Heaven: A Practical Guide to Growing in Holiness to be a glorious guide for finding everlasting happiness.
Heaven. The mere mention of the word conjures up images of cherubic angels and contented saints. It is a place of eternal comfort and joy that we all long for, even if we rarely put that wish into words.
But while heaven is our desired destination, the route there can be a bit confusing. That is why it is helpful to have a manual that offers a roadmap to achieving our everlasting dreams.
Straight to Heaven: A Practical Guide for Growing in Holiness by the Rev. T. G. Morrow is just such a book. Intensely spiritual, yet incredibly down-to-earth, this work should be welcomed by all who seek eternal friendship with God.
In the first part of this outstanding book, the author offers motivations for holiness. He quotes St. Thérèse of Lisieux, who said:
I have formed such a lofty idea of heaven that, at times, I wonder what God will do at my death to surprise me. My hope is so great, it is such a subject of joy to me, not by feeling but by faith, that to satisfy me fully something will be necessary which is beyond all human conception.
Morrow explores the concept of heaven being a divine marriage. I must admit, over the years, I have difficulty understanding this line of thought. After all, what would the Creator of the universe want with me, a lowly creature? But the way that Morrow explains the idea makes total sense:
The implications of this heavenly marriage are important. If we are to be in a kind of marriage with God, Who is so holy, we must be holy ourselves. A marriage in which one party loves at an intensely high level and the other loves feebly simply won’t do … We must love God with His power, in other words, with His Spirit.
In the second part of the book, Morrow explores the life of grace. Here, he provides helpful hints for prayer…stresses the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation … and speaks of the power of the Eucharist in transforming our hearts.
In talking about the benefits of Eucharistic Adoration, Morrow quotes a woman who points out:
Our Lord is a precious, wonderful loving redeemer. He longs to touch and heal each of us in His love. He longs to give us His light and life, if only we come and let Him refresh us.
In the final part of the book, Morrow defines a life of virtue—the kind of life we need to lead if we hope to make it to heaven’s gate. Here, the author references virtues such as faith, hope, and love…discusses the benefits of living simply…and discusses the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
While Straight to Heaven challenges us out of our complacency, it also offers great hope that we can conquer sin, live a life of virtue, and find heaven. I highly recommend this book for anyone searching for ways to become closer to God and neighbor!
Ask for Straight to Heaven at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from or the publisher, Sophia Institute Press.
Copyright 2023 Maria V. Gallagher
Images: Canva
About the Author
Maria V. Gallagher
Maria V. Gallagher spends her days advocating for women, children, and families. She is the mother of a beautiful ballerina and a member of the worldwide Cursillo movement. In her spare time, Maria likes to blog, walk, sing, dance, and fill the room with laughter. Read her work at