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Hillary Ibarra reviews Come, Holy Spirit! Guide Me and Give Me Strength, a book for children ages 7 and up.

Come, Holy Spirit! Guide Me and Give Me Strength by Sabine du Mesnil

Imagine the great benefits of inviting the Holy Spirit into your life and decisions from a young age. Come, Holy Spirit! Guide Me and Give Me Strength by Sabine du Mesnil teaches children about our vital relationship with the Spirit of Truth, showing them how to appreciate and welcome the Comforter in times of joy or sorrow, confusion or gratitude. Children learn to foster a life of prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking for the Spirit’s abundant gifts and perfect guidance, through this beautiful hardcover book for children ages 7 and up from Ignatius Press.  


Come Holy Spirit


Useful for parents, teachers, and catechists

When I received my review copy of this book, I was completing a novena to the Holy Spirit before Pentecost. I gratefully used it in teaching Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Pentecost Sunday. I believe it would be a wonderful tool for catechism class, too. 

Come, Holy Spirit! gently leads school-aged children through an understanding of Who the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is and how He works. The journey is illuminated through simple, peaceful illustrations that convey the Holy Spirit’s love and peace. The book uses brief Bible verses to explain the Holy Spirit’s role throughout salvation history, from creation to Jesus’ baptism to Pentecost. Stories about and quotes from the saints as well as examples using nature shine light on the Holy Spirit’s presence everywhere. These stories along with Pope Francis’ words on the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives today, encourage children to welcome the Holy Spirit’s presence, invite the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and realize that the Holy Spirit dwells in each of us. 

The book’s explanations of the gifts of the Spirit are helpful for children and will likely engender greater understanding in parents, too, as families share this book. It would be a lovely Confirmation keepsake book for children, perfect for preparing for the Sacrament or for better understanding the Great Gift of the Sacrament after the celebratory Mass.   

Come, Holy Spirit! also illuminates the path to sainthood: We must cooperate with the Sanctifier, listen to Him, and follow Him with complete trust. Embracing the Holy Spirit is true Empowerment, helping us to bear good fruit. If we invite Him into our hearts, we can change the world through our love of Jesus, bringing joy, peace, and comfort to others. The Holy Spirit transforms our hearts and minds and attitudes when we welcome him, and this is a power everyone needs. What a great gift for children to learn this early! Come, Holy Spirit! helps children to desire and seek the Spirit’s purifying love. 


Don't miss the bonus content

Included at the end of the book, beautiful traditional Holy Spirit prayers are ideal for family prayer time in the morning, before or after Mass, at the dinner table, or at bedtime. Some are short and simple and can be memorized easily; others are deeper and would be best led by a parent or an older child, but all the prayers uplift and inspire. 

This little book is a great addition to a child’s faith library, and I believe parents and children will be blessed as they read Come, Holy Spirit! Guide me and Give Me Strength by Sabine du Mesnil together. I felt edified reading it as an adult. Find it on Amazon or at Ignatius Press and help your children to welcome the Holy Spirit through its simple, gentle words and lovely illustrations. 

Ask for Come, Holy Spirit! at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Ignatius Press.


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