Lectio Divina out loud: Erika Dix strives to focus on what is important, rather than what is out of her control.
For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
I’m always running out. Out of time, out of breath, out of energy. When I get to this point, I start examining what it is that I am saying. My big question I ask: “Why isn’t this enough?” Not enough for me or for other people, or even for God?
Being pulled in so many directions is exhausting. Thinking about what others are thinking about me is exhausting. Worrying over what I cannot control is exhausting. The spiral of doubt and fear surrounds me and starts to squeeze. And that is not a pretty picture, for me or anyone around me, especially my loved ones.
Now it is time to stop and take a deep refreshing breath …
Focus on the Scripture verse I found today …
“For we are His handiwork”
God made me with His big, beautiful hands. He thought about me. He pictured what I was going to look like, and what He wanted me to do.
“Created in Christ Jesus for the good works”
Jesus shows me how I am to live. He shows me what it looks like to truly trust God and what He wants for me, and what time it will happen.
“God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them”
God knows me, and He knows me better than I know myself. God knows that I need to live in what I am doing. That I struggle when I do not know what is happening or that I will plan for something that might not even happen, good or bad.
Jesus knows me, and is there, right by my side so that I can focus on the good works that are already happening. I do not need to create the good works. God, with Jesus, has already prepared them.
Now it is time to take another deep refreshing breath …
Feel the love of God and Jesus and live in that love for the rest of the day.
Thank you for Scripture and prayer and breath. That is enough for me.
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Copyright 2024 Erika Dix
Images: Canva
About the Author
Erika Dix
Erika Dix is a Catholic wife and mom to two teenagers. She is a homemaker by vocation, a graphic designer by trade, and a listener to the Holy Spirit when prompted to write articles. She attends many Bible Studies, several from CatholicMom.com. She appreciates the many layers of her Catholic faith, and enjoys seeing it anew through her husband, who is a recent convert.