Lectio Divina Out Loud: Erika Dix reflects on what it will look like when her children start leaving the nest.
“Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave Me alone.” (John 16:32a)
The hour is indeed coming. The dreaded hour for every mother, parent, guardian, and any of those who have raised a child. He is heading off to college or moving on to his own home. My oldest son just received his acceptance email (not a paper letter anymore) to the program he most wanted to attend for college. So this verse is hitting home for me right now, as I struggle with my first bird to leave the nest.
Ironically, I had already found this verse a couple of years ago during a prayer time, so this has been on my mind for some time. My notes from when I prayed with this verse include thoughts on how my kids are growing up and about to live new lives. I also continued on in the Scripture reading to learn more of what Jesus had to say about being left alone.
“But I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. I have told you this so that you might have peace in Me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” (John 16:32b-33)
Jesus shares that He is not alone, especially right before His trial of the Cross, before his family and friends scatter during His suffering, and before He appears to them locked in a room. He is not alone because His Father is with Him, and through Him we can receive that peace of knowing that the Father is with us too. He shared this with us so that we might have peace in our own troubles, way before He suffered His own share of troubles.
My mama’s heart found amazing peace in these verses so that I can remember I will not be alone when my children leave my home to create their own homes. Part of what I felt as I read these verses is that I can either lock myself in a room, dreading what happened as the disciples did, or I can allow Jesus to create a new shape to my family. My nest may look smaller, but there will be a couple new nests on the branches that I will still be connected to. And knowing that I am not alone because of God and Jesus? That makes the home nest even cozier.
Jesus, I am so grateful that You look out for me, even before your own suffering. Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone while I am with you and our Heavenly Father.
Copyright 2023 Erika Dix
Images: Canva
About the Author

Erika Dix
Erika Dix is a Catholic wife and mom to two teenagers. She is a homemaker by vocation, a graphic designer by trade, and a listener to the Holy Spirit when prompted to write articles. She attends many Bible Studies, several from CatholicMom.com. She appreciates the many layers of her Catholic faith, and enjoys seeing it anew through her husband, who is a recent convert.