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Rosemary Bogdan discusses the Tour of Saint Jude Relics, in the USA through May 2024, and shares examples of family members' devotion to this popular saint.

My grandsons, aged five and seven, reverently touched their rosary, chaplet, and holy cards to the glass of the relic case.  

Since one of the boys is named Jude, it seemed only fitting that I bring them to see the Tour of Saint Jude Relics.  

This remarkable relic of Saint Jude is traveling the country from September 2023 until May 2024. What is the relic? It is of his forearm!! Remember this is Saint Jude Thaddeus, the Apostle! He is the brother of Saint James the Lesser, son of Mary of Clopas, and cousin of Jesus! That makes the relic 2,000 years old.  

Saint Jude’s feast day is October 28, coming up in just a few days. 




How can I begin to explain the significance of Saint Jude in my life and the lives of millions of people? Yes, he is the Apostle of the Impossible but that does not mean an intention must be hopeless to call on him. He is such a powerful intercessor. My oldest son chose Saint Jude as his Confirmation saint, and two of my grandsons are named Jude. Blessed be God. 

My Aunt June who had a strong devotion to Saint Jude used to tell us stories of his intercession. She would add that you should be careful when you pray to Saint Jude because he answers prayers one way or another and it might not be the way you expected.   

Once her son was not prepared for a test he had to take on that day. Aunt June asked Saint Jude to intercede that somehow he would not have to take the test. When her son arrived home, he happily told her that the teacher had gotten sick and so he didn’t have to take the test. Aunt June confessed to appealing to Saint Jude. “Mom!” her son answered. “I didn’t want the teacher to get sick!” Saint Jude answers prayers.  

My mother had a good friend devoted to Saint Jude. She asked my mother to plead for his intercession because her husband was being told by his company that he would need to relocate his family overseas to a Muslim country where the Eucharist was not allowed. My mother’s friend stormed heaven with requests to Saint Jude to intervene. In the end, they did not have to move. What happened? Her husband did not have to go because instead he lost his job. Saint Jude comes through, one way or another.  

Entertainer Danny Thomas had his own Saint Jude story. He was not doing well in his chosen work. He asked Saint Jude for help and Danny Thomas’s career took off. In thanksgiving, the celebrity established Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, where families never receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing, or food. 


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Saint Jude is the Apostle of the Impossible but that does not mean an intention must be hopeless to call on him. #CatholicMom




Relic Tour

The relic tour will visit 100 churches, and more are being added to the schedule. Check out the website for the list which is being updated regularly. The Holy See has granted a plenary indulgence to all who venerate the relics of Saint Jude, under the usual conditions. 

Father Carlos Martins is leading the tour. He is the director of Treasures of the Church, a Catholic ministry of evangelization that “uses the relics of the saints to give people an experience of the living God.” He writes: 

His intercessory power with God and his uncanny ability to come through with a happy resolution to the petitions presented to him has earned him the nickname "the apostle of the impossible." More than any other saint, St. Jude is the saint to whom people turn when they are hopeless and have tried everything else to obtain a heavenly favor. Saint Jude is one to whom people turn for hope. 


From the tour website Father Martins offers the following informative video: 






The National Shrine of Saint Jude offers many prayers to Saint Jude including the following. If you’ve never called on Saint Jude, this may be a good place to start.  

Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hope. 

Please intercede on my behalf. Make use of that particular privilege given to you to bring hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most. 

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven as I work with my challenges, particularly (here make your request). I praise God with you and all the saints forever. 

I promise, blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. 



Saint Jude, pray for us!! 

Copyright 2023 Rosemary Bogdan
Images: Canva