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Feeling disconnected from a formerly close friend, Elizabeth Estrada takes the situation to prayer.

In the last couple of months, I have been noticing that I have lost touch with friends that I thought were close. This thought has been on my heart for about a year now. I reached out to a very close friend by mail about a year ago, trying to connect again—and never heard back.

It made me analyze myself: did I do something wrong? Did I offend her? Was I not there when she needed me to be? I prayed about it, and I am not going to lie. My hurt and disappointment are still there.

I have never been a social butterfly, but I always had a small circle of friends who had walked with me in the journey of life: friends I could call, email, or text to share great news or for asking for prayers.

I am not sure if this is something that happens as you get older or as your life changes. I know that people have shared that sometimes people just “outgrow” you.

Whatever it might be, I am having a difficult time navigating this stage in my life. Don’t get me wrong; I still have a few friends left, but it still hurts.


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I am trying to love even though I don’t understand. #catholicmom

I have sat with Jesus with this thought and am still waiting for an answer. I know that in Scripture I am reminded that "A friend loves at all times,” and I am trying to love even though I don’t understand.

Have you gone through this struggle?



Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Estrada
Images: Canva