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Sr. Margaret Kerry reviews the Gospel of Luke from the new Kindred line of volumes of the Holy Bible.

Recently I came across an ad for a beautiful Bible: the Kindred Bible. After some research I realized it is a Catholic Bible that reminds me of what Bishop Barron was doing with his Word on Fire Bible. It is rich with photographs, a gift size, and in many volumes. I wrote to Kindred asking if I could review a volume. This is my review of the Gospel of Luke.

My first impression was that for all the work put into this Gospel volume, the price was very accessible ($24.95 for Luke, $19.95 for Mark, for example.) The pages are easy to turn and keep open. The paper supports the high-quality photographs and color through out the pages. First, I looked for and easily found the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur, so necessary for Catholic Bibles. The translation is from the New American Bible with the revised New Testament (1970, 1986). There is an introduction explaining Luke’s audience with an overview of this Gospel. Online the description reads “part I” -- though this is the complete Gospel of Luke, the second part will be the Acts of the Apostles, a continuation of Luke’s writing.

Paging through this Gospel, I found that each page headlines the Gospel passage. This makes it very readable and a great way to read a Gospel or other scriptural book daily. This is also a wonderful way to pray with Scripture. It is set up for Lectio Divina.


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This books in this collection may be used as a coffee-table book to draw visitors to the Scripture message. Collecting the entire Kindred Bible would make a handsome display for a family library. Even though the spines are simply understated with the title, I would find it hard to not pick up a particular book to read and pray.

Bible means a “collection of books.” This is the first time I have encountered the Canon of the Bible as approved by the early Church as a set to be placed on a bookshelf (thereby making your bookshelf a “Bible”) for friends and family to explore. Purchasing these books for season gifts can build up someone else’s library. Imagine getting one for a Baptism gift or a first birthday gift, as a gift that you can add to over time.


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Copyright 2021 Sr. Margaret Kerry, FSP
Images (from top): copyright 2021 KindredApostle.com, all rights reserved; all others copyright 2021 Sr. Margaret Kerry, FSP, all rights reserved.