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World Mental Health Day was on October 10, and Erika Dix discovered a special tool to raise awareness. 

The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.” (Luke 10:41)


Back on October 10th, it was World Mental Health Day, and the only reason I know about this is from the homily I heard during daily Mass on that day. Thank you to the priest who spoke about it and made me aware of the day! My family has had its brushes, and even collisions, with mental illness, so I am all too aware of how important our mental health is.  

The Gospel on that day contained the very familiar verse that many of us, especially mothers, have heard. I am so familiar with it that I even hear my own name: “Erika, Erika, you are anxious and worried about many things.” I believe this to be true, especially when I am concerned about my family’s mental health and how we are treated and taken care of. It is always my hope that we find the right providers and that their services will be given with understanding and compassion.   

We have been blessed many times over with having our needs met and even beyond. There have been times though that we have worked with people who already had ideas of how things are supposed to be, or who may not have had enough information to begin with. In those cases, we made tough decisions from lots of time spent in prayer. 




Throughout our journey, it has been apparent that there is more and more awareness about mental health issues and what is needed to help those who are suffering from a mental illness or disorder. There is a lot more inclusion in our community, and it amazes me how much people from every generation are open to those who have shared their issues. Mental illness is usually hard to “see,” let alone understand that what you are feeling could be an illness.   

Jesus goes on to say in verse 42, “There is need of only one thing,” and I believe that it starts with Him and flows through all of us: love. My hope is that many people, especially moms, reach out if they see someone suffering, and also be as welcoming and kind to hear their stories. This hope also goes out to all those who are caregivers to their loved ones who are working through their mental ailment.   


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My hope is that many people, especially moms, reach out if they see someone suffering, and also be as welcoming and kind to hear their stories.


The priest mentioned during his homily that there was a novena associated with World Mental Health Day. It began on October 10th, but I am sure it can be started at any time, for there will always be a need for understanding, compassion, and especially love, with mental health issues and challenges.  

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for noticing my anxieties and all that troubles me, and for reaching out with kindness and love. 



Copyright 2023 Erika Dix
Images: "World Mental Health Day" graphic created by Erika Dix, all rights reserved; all others Canva