Jake Frost offers encouragement to unleash the power of routine to make praying the Rosary a daily habit.
Nuns have it
The Power of Habit
And you can have it, too
So go on and grab it!
Use The Power of Habit
Make time work for you!
The kind of habit-power I’m talking about doesn’t come from wearing wimples at Wally World (though that is great too! What a wonderful witness to the world, the best kind of fashion statement!). No, what I mean is the routine and regularity of regime that comes from the repeated doing of the same thing.
This is May, the month of Our Lady: a great time to get back to the Rosary.
I love the Rosary. I love the beads, the mysteries, the history of the Rosary, the connection it provides between believers down through the ages, and I love knowing that the secret power of the Rosary is at work all over the world every day and every night when Our Lady’s faithful children bow their heads by candlelight, or tell their beads in a coat pocket on a crowded city bus, alone or gathering in families, with friends or neighbors or strangers, in churches and grottos and living rooms and even, one Rosary group I know of, meeting in a bar (its a Beer and Beads group, and you’d be surprised at the patrons of their chosen venue who are captivated by it — another wonderful witness!).
Every day, everywhere around the world, people from all walks of life unite in this gift of prayer given us by Our Lady.
I love being part of it.
When I remember to!
Because sometimes it's hard to keep up the daily Rosary.
I know it’s important. Our Lady came at Fatima and told us to say the Rosary every day.
Still, at times it can be a struggle.
This is where the secret power of the nuns comes in for the “Git’R’Done” grit to make that Rosary happen.
Because for nuns, habit is a way of life.
It’s a bit of wisdom that’s simple and old, but the simple ways and the old ways are often the best ways, and it’s just this: if you want to make sure you get something done every day, make it a habit. Make it part of your daily routine. Make a set time and set place for it in your day, and stick to it. Whether you pray your Rosary on your front porch in the cool of the morning, or in your living room at night by candlelight, or down at the neighborhood bar, the regularity of doing it in the same place at the same time every day will carry you along to get it done.
Every. Single. Day.
And here’s a bonus Rosary tip that comes from my mom. She suggested carrying a rosary in our pockets at all times. Then, whenever you find yourself getting irritated waiting in line — and we all have to wait in line all the time, at grocery stores and the post office and stuck in traffic — let that be a reminder to you to touch your rosary beads and get in a decade or two. She said that those little prayers throughout the day can really add up (especially for the more irritable among us!).
So happy May and salute to you and your rosary in the month of Our Lady!
Copyright 2021 Jake Frost
Image: C.C. Pierce (1906), Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain
About the Author
Jake Frost
Jake Frost is a husband, father of five, attorney, and author of seven books, including the fantasy novel The Light of Caliburn (winner of an honorable mention from the Catholic Media Association), collections of humorous family stories ( Catholic Dad and Catholic Dad 2), poetry (most recently the award winning Wings Upon the Unseen Gust), and a children’s book he also illustrated, The Happy Jar.