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Teri Sinnott reminds us that we need to be armed in faith to raise our children in an ever more hostile world.

Time for some real truth bombs. Brace yourself. 

The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament and the same God today. God doesn’t change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Loving doesn’t mean permissiveness. God is both loving and just. They go together. Can’t be separated. Just because you don’t like something or agree doesn’t mean it isn't true. We don’t determine truth, God does. 

We have picked and chosen Scriptures, changed wording, and taken them out of context to meet our own wants, needs and establish our own beliefs. We throw around the title of Catholic without actually following the faith. Many of the things I have read on social media over the past few weeks are alarming, especially from Catholics. 

We have groups like “pro-choice Catholics.” We try to justify our stance by pointing out other ills of the world. Instead, we should be trying to solve those ills as well as end abortion. If abortion solved those issues, they wouldn’t still exist.

Many of us have jumped on the train that if I “believe” I am “saved” and can live my life how I want. Jesus already saved me from my sins. 

But here is the thing, Satan also “believes” in Jesus and “knows” who He is. It isn’t that simple. It isn’t as simple as belief. 

Jesus told us the gate to hell is wide and the gate to heaven narrow. You have to question if you are truly “saved” if your heart hasn’t changed and your lifestyle hasn’t changed either. 

Having a true personal relationship with Jesus changes you. It changes your heart. It changes the way you look at the world.




I’m not trying to sound high and mighty or as if I am an expert, but examining our own shortcomings is important. Knowing where we are weak is important. Knowing that we need to never stop growing, is important. Especially as we raise children in this world. 

We need to raise them to know truth, believe truth, and practice truth. 

I’m not saying that I haven’t also been guilty of these same things at times in my life, but we are living in a time when the world is drifting farther and farther away from God. It’s getting dark. It’s scary. Everywhere we turn, this dark world is coming for our children. Normalizing evil. Expecting us to partake in it. 

I read today that we need to put everything in the world through a biblical lens. I couldn't agree more. We can’t be lukewarm Christians. Jesus warned us about them. We need to be on top of it all. Diligence is important.

God has given us children. To raise these children for Him is an honor and a privilege. They are His first. Our goal is their salvation. Nothing is more important than leading my children to the gates of Heaven.




Having strict morals and beliefs isn’t hateful or bigotry. You can be loving and be kind without compromising your beliefs.

A very wise friend of mine often says she would rather offend someone into heaven than love them into hell. Truly loving someone is being truthful with them—and with not our truth, but God’s truth. Real truth is what God says. The Bible is still true.

Jesus went to the Cross so we could spend eternity with Him, but that doesn’t mean we have a free pass. We need to live for Him. We need to be faithful to His word. We have to acknowledge our sins and work to do better. We need to seek Him daily. We need to make our personal relationship with God a priority at all times. 

We can tell our children how to be Catholics, but our children will learn by our example. The habits we create now will help them to develop their own. My children already have such a love for Jesus, and my prayer is that they become even more devoted followers than their father and I are. 


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We can’t be lukewarm Christians. Jesus warned us about them. #catholicmom


Now is the time to truly examine our faith. Learn what the church says about social justice. Learn what the church has to say about the value of human life. Learn what the church has to say about our treatment of others. Then we need to be change agents in our homes, our churches and our communities.

Our children are the future. Do we want them to be the generation that brings this world closer to God? Are we prepared to stand up when the world persecutes and hates us? How far are we willing to go for our children? You may lose friends. You may lose family. Relationships may suffer. But salvation for ourselves and most importantly our children is at stake.

It is time to put on the Armor of God and get ready to do battle. Eternity is at stake.



Copyright 2022 Teri Sinnott
Images: Canva