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Dr. Laura Radziwon shares encouragement for the exhausted mother: simply do the next right thing.

Motherhood is hard. We all know this; we are all warned of it. Whether you are a wife, widow, or single mother, it is all hard. 

There are seasons in every mom’s journey through motherhood that are filled with frustration, tears, and those weary days that threaten to crush our spirits. 

Sometimes it’s a child’s behavior and we struggle to manage our seemingly out-of-control child. Sometimes it’s our own behaviors and we struggle to manage our big emotions. Other times, it’s learning a child is struggling in school and wondering about the future. 

Sometimes it’s the day-to-day grind that has us worn out and in need of change. Maybe you are parenting without much support or maybe you are parenting in a season of grief. Whatever your struggle, whatever your heartache, you are not alone.




So, dear weary mother, 

When you’re tired and burnt out … just keep going. 

Sometimes the next right thing is putting chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries on a sheet pan for dinner (hey, it’s healthier, right?). 

Sometimes this means yet another movie on yet another cold, rainy day. 

Sometimes this means the toddler is eating your dinner and you’ve decided you’ll just eat after bedtime. 

Sometimes this means you are making dinner with one hand because the baby insists on being held in your arms and not being worn. 

Sometimes the next right thing is apologizing to your child yet again for how you spoke to them. And vowing to do better the next day. 

Sometimes this means getting out of bed to check on your child because your baby woke crying, your child woke from a nightmare, or your teenager walked in the house from being out with friends. 




But always, the next right thing is resting in God’s love and mercy for us. The next right thing is knowing that, no matter what the day holds, God knew this was how the day was going to turn out and He has already given you all the graces you need to handle the day with patience, love, mercy, and grace. The next right thing is thanking God for the blessings He’s given us, even if the blessings that day seem minimal.


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God has given you all that you need to conquer motherhood. #CatholicMom

When we endure the difficult aspects of mothering, our mind likes to accuse us of laziness, inadequacy, disappointment, or even failure. When we lack joy in motherhood—and enjoyment and peace in Christ—this is when we step away from His Word and try to do mothering on our own. Instead, as we mother, teach, comfort, and raise our children, we need to remind ourselves daily of the truth of our vocation as a mother. 

God chose you for your children. There is no better mother for your children than you. God has given you all that you need to conquer motherhood. 

And remember, all you need to do is the next right thing.



Copyright 2023 Laura Radziwon
Images: Canva