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Hillary Ibarra reviews Undivided Love: You are Worth the Fight by Gina Bauer, a great gift for all the women in your life.  

Undivided Love: You are Worth the Fight

By Gina Bauer


Undivided Love: You Are Worth the Fight by Gina Bauer is a book I wish I could place in every young woman’s hands as she explores her vocation, and I wish all men and women who desire a godly relationship with each other would read it. As Bauer points out repeatedly, “You do not have to earn your worth; it has already been given to you!”  


Undivided Love cover


Embracing your worth 

In modern culture, many people live as if they do not know their worth or do not accept it, believing the devil’s lies or becoming caught in the world’s maelstrom of disastrous relationship messages. But our worth, as Undivided Love assures, is in the revelation that we are made in the image and likeness of God. In other words, it is irrefutable because it is God-given. If we do not embrace our own God-given worth and dignity, how can we recognize and affirm other’s people’s worth and love others as we love ourselves?

Undivided Love draws us closer to understanding our worth in a wise, compassionate, and brilliant way through Scripture, the writings of great church teachers including saints, Bauer’s personal stories, and experiences others have shared with her. 


Providing answers for women 

Undivided Love answers questions that burn in women’s hearts and challenge men, too. How does God — the One Who knows and loves me better than anyone — see me? Why do men and women struggle to see each other God’s way and what does the Fall have to do with that? How can I live a more grace-filled life and pursue God’s will whether I’m single, married, or a religious? How can I build up my marriage and family in a fallen world and reflect the love of the Holy Trinity?  

I’m grateful for Undivided Love because for years I struggled to understand many issues addressed in its pages and often failed. Undivided Love satisfied my search for answers about women’s experiences and illuminated how Christ restored broken relationship dynamics. Bauer highlights the wisdom of Saint John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, On the Dignity and Vocation of Women, and Saint John Paul II’s great love, respect, and encouragement for women shine as she quotes him often. As he and Bauer point out the revolutionary way that Christ treated women in the Gospels, every woman will feel seen and loved.  


A book worth sharing 

Undivided Love: You are Worth the Fight by Gina Bauer is the kind of book that gets passed from friend to friend as favorite quotes and lessons are shared. It is an ideal book to explore and discuss with others, such as in a book club or at a youth, women’s ministry, or marriage-enrichment group.  

This book proposes that human beings should live peacefully in the ocean of God’s mercy and not drown in the world’s riptides of lies and selfishness. It helps its readers to discover and live joyfully in the truth of Christ and the undivided love Bauer highlights, love that finds itself fulfilled in the gift of self, a love that can only be found in relationship with the One Who died and rose again for us. 

This book helped me through a difficult passage in my life and inspired me to pray throughout its pages, and that is the greatest recommendation I can offer to any book. The author’s vocation as an inspirational speaker and youth leader informs her writing and invites the reader to engage with her words. Undivided Love: You Are Worth the Fight by Gina Bauer is edifying and makes the ideal gift for all the beloved women in your life — and men, too!



Ask for Undivided Love at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com.


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Copyright 2024 Hillary Ibarra
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