Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, Maria V. Gallagher found the strength necessary to heal following divorce.
I never, ever thought it would happen to me.
My parents had always preached the “forever nature” of marriage. They lived out their belief, thanks to a marriage which lasted 42 years, ending only with my father’s death. They struggled, often financially, to stay together, but they ultimately triumphed. I was always so grateful to them for the marriage they had formed, which built a firm foundation for my sister and me.
So I was a bit shell-shocked when I was summoned to divorce court. How could this have happened to a Catholic girl like me? What was to become of me? I felt as if a scarlet letter — D for Divorce — had been plastered on my forehead.
I still revere the sanctity of marriage. But, through the annulment process and the wisdom of Holy Mother Church, I came to understand that my marriage had not been valid. It was not the sacrament that I had thought it was, and it naturally dissolved.
Finding help and healing from the pain of divorce
Despite reassurances that I could continue to receive the Sacraments — I had not remarried and did not intend to — I still felt bereft. The pain was real, and I realized that I needed help and healing to recover.
I was able to discover that healing through the loving arms of the Blessed Mother. She consoled me … she counseled me … she awakened me to my inherent dignity as an adopted daughter of God. I was not damaged goods, but a person of inestimable value. My worth did not depend on my marital status. With Mary’s abundant help, I was able to weather the storm.
My post-divorce blueprint for spiritual rebirth:
I took seriously my Consecration to the Blessed Mother.
My Consecration meant that I offered everything, including my time, treasure, and my very self, to Jesus through Mary. In turn, the mother of God could distribute the graces from my sacrifices and struggles in the manner she thought best. The hope is that, through this Consecration, I can ultimately be united with God in heaven.
I turned over my daily trials and tribulations to Mary.
I trusted her to lead me to a place of light and peace. I knew that she would not steer me wrong.
I followed Mary’s example.
I attempted to ponder the difficult matters of my life in my heart, knowing that God was working in them and through them. I tried my best to imitate Mary’s virtues, especially when it came to faith, hope, and love.
I embraced the Rosary like never before.
I made the Rosary my go-to prayer in the midst of my crosses. I knew that, by invoking Mary’s help, I would be placed on a path of healing. My daily Rosary has become a lifeline for me in my post-divorce life.
I do not want to minimize the harm that divorce creates, especially for children. It is a heartache that sends shock waves through a family. But I want to give hope to anyone who has been forced to deal with its aftermath. God does want us to go on. He does not want our lives to end, once the divorce papers are signed. He longs for a deeper relationship with us in the wake of the trauma.
If you are suffering from the aftermath of divorce, please know of my prayers for you. I wish you a life filled with hope and grace, with the Blessed Mother by your side.
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Copyright 2025 Maria V. Gallagher
Images: Canva
About the Author

Maria V. Gallagher
Maria V. Gallagher spends her days advocating for women, children, and families. She is the mother of a beautiful ballerina and a member of the worldwide Cursillo movement. In her spare time, Maria likes to blog, walk, sing, dance, and fill the room with laughter. Read her work at MariaVGallagher.com.