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Lisa Hendey and Allison Gingras welcome Karen Ullo. Karen is the award-winning author of two novels, Jennifer the Damned and Cinder Allia.

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In today's episode, recorded live at the Catholic Marketing Network, Lisa Hendey and Allison Gingras welcome Karen Ullo. Karen is the award-winning author of two novels, Jennifer the Damned and Cinder Allia. She is a founding editor of Chrism Press and former managing editor of the Catholic literary journal Dappled Things. You can find her on the web at www.karenullo.com.


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Author and publisher Karen Ullo joins Catholic Mom founder Lisa Hendey, and social media manager Allison Gingras discussing fiction, fantasy, and Catholic publishing #catholicmom

Catholic Momcast 1

Copyright 2022 Lisa M. Hendey
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries