Allison Gingras and our guest Kelly Sakmar take on the tough topic of pregnancy and infant loss and ways to find healing.
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This week, Allison Gingras and our guest Kelly Sakmar take on the tough topic of pregnancy and infant loss. Both women share from their hearts about their own experiences with loss and discuss ways to find peace and healing in grief. Some resources they talk about include:
Be Not Afraid, a private non-profit organization which provides comprehensive case management to parents carrying to term following a prenatal diagnosis.
Mommy to a Little Saint, a Facebook support group
Here is a link to the stained glass image of Jacob wrestling with God that Kelly mentions.
Kelly Sakmar describes herself: as a beloved daughter of the risen Lord. Devoted wife. Catholic Mom to two sweet girls & one precious saint. Professional organizer to busy families. Learn more & connect at www.clutter-less.com.
Thank you for being part of this special episode of the Catholic Momcast.
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Copyright 2020 Danielle Bean