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Lisa Hendey and Allison Gingras welcome Fr. Peter Pomposello from the Archdiocese of the Military for a wonderful conversation about both military and priestly vocations from the floor of the LA Religious Education Congress.

listen to this week's podcast, simply hit "play" above, or subscribe in iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.

An encouraging word from Fr. Pomposello: To ALL CATHOLIC MOMS: Do Not Be Afraid! If Our Lord is calling your son to the priesthood, it is for him to set the world on fire with the Holy Spirit! 🔥 In his ministry, your son will know JOY beyond anything this world could offer, even through his own share of suffering. Please God, may he be called to serve God and Country as a Army Chaplain. #sacramentsforthetroops

Links in the Show:

Archdiocese of the Military Vocations

#FrUncleSam on Social Media

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Lisa Hendey and Allison Gingras welcome Fr Peter Pomposello unpack the mission of #FrUncleSam  #CatholicMom

Catholic Momcast 1

Copyright 2023 Lisa M. Hendey
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries