Mar 11, 2021 7:00:00 AM | by Danielle Bean
In the newest Catholic Momcast, Lisa Hendey and Danielle Bean share about the ways we struggle to trust in God.
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Danielle Bean and Lisa Hendey host a conversation about ways we can learn to trust in God. How can we grow in trust?
This is one of the hardest things we ever need to do -- let go of control and let God work in our lives.Turning over our lives to God and praying those words "Thy will be done," can a serious challenge, especially when we suffer through hard times.
One prayer we recommend is the Litany of Trust from the Sisters of Life.
What helps you remember to trust God? In what ways does growing in trust help us find peace? How can we teach our children the importance of trusting in God and set a good example for them?
Join us for an honest and inspiring discussion!
We love to hear from you with feedback, questions & ideas for future podcast topics. Email us at editor@catholicmom.com or send us a voicemail or connect on social media.
Copyright 2021 Danielle Bean
Image Catholic Mom, all rights reserved
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