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Hosts Heidi Hess Saxton and Maria Morera Johnson talk with Debra Kelsey-Davis and Kelly Johnson, authors of The Caregiver’s Companion: A Christ-Centered Journal to Nourish Your Soul.

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Debra Kelsey-Davis and Kelly Johnson are the co-founders of “Nourish for Caregivers,” a Catholic support organization for adult caregivers, and the authors of The Caregiver’s Companion: A Christ-Centered Journal to Nourish Your Soul.

Debra Kelsey-Davis is caregiver for her aging parents, a registered nurse, and the cofounder of both Nourish for Caregivers and Sagacity.Care.
Kelly Johnson is the adult faith formation director at St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish in Downers Grove, Illinois, and the cofounder of Nourish for Caregivers. She was an advertising executive until her then-five-year-old son developed a brain tumor and she cared for him during his illness.

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Prayercast hosts Heidi Saxton and Maria Johnson welcomes Debra Kelsey-Davis and Kelly Johnson, co-founders of “Nourish for Caregivers.” #CatholicMom

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Copyright 2023 Maria Morera Johnson and Heidi Hess Saxton
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries