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Today's Gospel: Mark 5:1-20
I have often heard the statement that our home, our own community, our families are, or can be, our mission fields. As a mom I find this empowering. Being a mom doesn’t take me out of missionary work, my “mission territory” is right where I am. This Gospel passage, while chock full of lots of imagery as well as confusion to modern ears, reminds me that following Jesus will look different for each one of us.
At the end of this Gospel the man, having just been rid of the evil spirits Legion and quickly ignored by his fellow townspeople, who seem much more concerned about the swine, begs Jesus to let him go with him. Jesus had a group of apostles already and many other disciples, too. What’s one more? But instead, Jesus tells the man no. He must remain there and share with his family all that Jesus has done for him. So what does he do? He immediately goes and starts preaching.
It’s nice to get that affirmation from Jesus himself that sometimes we are asked to preach the good news right in our own families. But what really strikes me about this passage is the immediate response of the man. Mark tells us that this man began preaching immediately, no hesitation. He didn’t need any special training or months studying up on theology, he just went and started doing it throughout the ten cities (Decapolis) on that side of the Sea of Galilee. I sometimes feel inadequate teaching my kids the faith, but this reading reminds me to trust in Jesus and give it over to Him. He’ll take care of the details.
Copyright 2018 Kerri Baunach Kerri Baunach lives in central Kentucky with her husband and three boys whom she homeschools with the help of a part-time, classical school. She is a Benedictine Oblate with the Archabbey of St. Meinrad in Indiana, an editor and writer with, and chairs the vocations committee at her parish. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
Where is your mission territory? Have you had an encounter with Jesus that you can share as part of your mission to help teach others about Him?Pray:
Lord Jesus, I pray that I can be ready to respond to You without hesitation. I trust in You to guide me as I take on the responsibility of raising children to be Your disciples. Amen.Copyright 2018 Kerri Baunach Kerri Baunach lives in central Kentucky with her husband and three boys whom she homeschools with the help of a part-time, classical school. She is a Benedictine Oblate with the Archabbey of St. Meinrad in Indiana, an editor and writer with, and chairs the vocations committee at her parish. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required

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Our Gospel Reflections Team is comprised of over 115 volunteers. We invite you to join us daily to reflect upon the Liturgy of the Word and thank our volunteers for sharing their gifts.