Today's Gospel: Luke 12:49-53 Looking up today’s Gospel on the USCCB website reveals the title “Jesus: A Cause of Division.” It is challenging to think of Jesus as a divisive figure. It’s easy to imagine Jesus in a field of flowers surrounded by devoted followers, or to envision Him at the Last Supper with His disciples, or as a child helping Joseph in the workshop. We have pictures upon paintings upon statues of Christ in these and other warm situations. But how many of them depict Jesus preaching while followers are walking away? How many depict the crowds trying to stone Jesus, or throw him out of town? Jesus is a choice. He is not something you can use today and forget tomorrow. Jesus does not say “Choose your favorite 3 teachings, go ahead and forget the rest.” When Jesus called the apostles, He simply said “Follow me.” And they did! No questions, no what-if’s. They didn’t fully understand, but their hearts trusted His words. Jesus continues to ask us to do the same. “Follow me.” It might bring discomfort, it might cause division. To choose means to say yes to one path and no to another. Our life is full of choices. Some are the greatest of our lives, others we look back on with regret. Jesus is the biggest, most beautiful decision of our lives. And what is incredible is that this isn’t a one-time thing. Every single day we have the opportunity to choose Christ. We have the opportunity to make a Morning Offering, to give our whole day over to following Jesus. We make the decisive, divisive choice. Jesus loves us so much He will never stop seeking after our hearts.


What devisive decision is Jesus asking you to make today?


Dear Jesus, I offer Thee today Everything I do and say, That I may be in some small part United to Thy Sacred Heart.
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