Today's Gospel: John 1:35-42 - Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton In today's Gospel, there is a lot of finger pointing. First, St. John the Baptist point to Jesus: "Behold, the Lamb of God." In revealing Jesus that day, he lost two disciples. He didn't care. What was important was that they knew Jesus. Then, after spending the day with Jesus, Andrew points his brother Simon Peter towards Jesus. You know what I love about Andrew? He brought Peter to Jesus; Peter, in return, becomes one of Jesus' closest friends. While Peter was the room when Jesus raises Jairus' daughter to life, Andrew was outside the house doing crowd control. When Peter was on the Mount of the Transfiguration, Andrew was at the bottom of the hill. You know what, though, Andrew was not jealous. How do I know? Because he is Saint Andrew, not just Andrew. This disciple understood his role in God's plan and was happy to fulfill it. Andrew's job was to point others to Jesus, just as St. John the Baptist had pointed Jesus out to him. We, likewise, find happiness in pointing Jesus out to others. Are you nervous about doing this? Does it make you uncomfortable? Take note of what Jesus asks in today's Gospel. These are the first words in John's Gospel that Jesus speaks: "What are you looking for?" It is a question that echoes throughout time. Andrew and John are not looking for power, fame, riches; not even wisdom or good health. They just want to hang out with Jesus. Perhaps without quite knowing it yet, they have a hunch that Jesus is the source of their happiness, that He is the one for whom they are searching. What are you looking for? What is anyone looking for? Jesus is the answer to this question - whether we know it or not. Thus, we have the awesome responsibility and privilege to point Jesus out to others.


How can you point Jesus out to your child today? to a co-worker? to a friend in need?


Jesus, You are the Lamb of God, my Savior, and the source of my happiness. Inspired by Your Spirit, help me to eagerly point others to You. And when my mission here on earth comes to an end, and I appear before You, may I hear Your glorious words, "Come and see!" Amen.
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