Today's Gospel: John 1:35-42 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton How do we influence others in our daily life? There is no denying that we have the ability to influence the people in our lives. This is especially true in families, where we actually show our loved ones what is important and true by our own everyday actions. Spouses influence each other. Mothers and fathers teach and influence their children. And older children influence younger ones, many times pulling the younger ones along with them. Having influence over those we love is a grave responsibility because we can either bring them along with us on a path that is false, or a path that is good and true. The true path is the way of Jesus, the way of the Messiah, for He is the way to everlasting life. There are over a hundred Old Testament prophecies predicting the coming Messiah. The Jews were awaiting His arrival. John recognized Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God, and the person that would fulfill the role as the lamb sent by God to be the Passover lamb and provide the blood sacrifice for sin. And so he addressed Jesus as such before his two friends. One of the two, Andrew, heard John’s description of Jesus, took it to heart, and then brought his brother, Simon Peter, a fisherman, to our Messiah. When Peter stood before Jesus, Our Lord knew his great potential of being a ‘fisher of men.'


We can never know what God has in mind for those we influence. Are we influencing others in negative ways, or are we bringing them to their greatest potential in Jesus Christ?


Lamb of God, help me to influence those I love, and those that I daily meet, by being an example of Your way.
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