Today's Gospel: Matthew 19:16-22 I don’t like it when people ask for my advice and then don’t take it. Does that ever happen to you? It’s one thing when I give unsolicited advice, but when you ask me? Where is the trust? Why did you ask in the first place? That’s what I think pretty much any time I read or hear this Gospel passage. The young man went away “grieving” because he couldn’t part with his possessions. In my own journey, I don’t recall Jesus asking me to get rid of my possessions. There have been times when I’ve willingly sacrificed a desire for a greater good (braces and dental work come to mind as what won over other things). And there were times when I’ve made do with what I already had. Jesus usually asks me to get rid of the things which no one wants. Judgmental, controlling behavior, sarcasm, feelings of unworthiness, that’s what Jesus wants me to give up. Each of us have different things we don’t want to get rid of to follow Jesus. Whether it came from Saks 5th Ave or Walmart, a wound someone inflicted upon us or our own poor decisions, we cannot hold onto to any of it. Jesus wants everything that prevents us from giving all of ourselves to Him to go. Get rid of it. Hold onto to Him and the rest will be taken care of. Don’t grieve that you might have less baggage, actual or emotional, but be free in Jesus. The less we carry, the quicker we get to heaven because that is where our treasure will be, all stored up, waiting for us. And I bet those heavenly treasures don’t ever need dusting!


What am I holding on to that I need to let go of?


Lord, Your words give me hope and purpose. Help me to get rid of whatever it is I am holding on to that is not good for me. Amen.
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