Today's Gospel: Matthew 28:8-15 I can’t even imagine. Really, cannot even imagine the feelings, the rush of adrenaline, the swirling thoughts in the minds of these two women as they see the empty tomb. They were fearful and overjoyed, running to tell the apostles the news; but before they can, Jesus greets them. The Gospel says they did three things: approached, embraced, and offered homage. And Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.” I think that’s the take away. We to can be like the women at the tomb every day. We know the truth and we want to testify to it because it gives us joy in our lives. But we might also be a bit afraid. What will people think? How will they respond? Don’t worry, Jesus is there with you. But before we start spreading the Good News, we need to approach our Lord with prayer and reverence, offering Him all that we are and all that we have, and then go and do whatever He tells us to do. If we ask before acting, we will be following Jesus instead of ourselves. Following ourselves might be like a dog chasing its tail. Jesus gave the women the gift of going to tell about His resurrection to the apostles. They are our example, our answer to the “Do I have the right?” or “Should I do this?” questions that are in our head as we wonder if we are enough. We are enough. We can do whatever Jesus asks us to do, we do not need to be afraid. Approach Him, embrace Him, offer Him homage and then go, strengthened and unafraid, because you have encountered the living Christ just as the women did at the empty tomb!


How am I being called to share the Good News?


Lord Jesus, by Your passion, death and resurrection You have given us new life. Help me to always live in that new life, being unafraid to tell the world the Good News. Amen.
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