Reflection by Colette Lafia Today's Gospel: Luke 6:6-11 - Memorial of St. Peter Claver I’ve been reflecting upon the moments in our lives in which we say “Yes.” Moments when we let ourselves be touched by grace, like I did when I entered the Living School, through the Center for Contemplation and Action, during a time of uncertainty in my life. Little did I know that being in the Living School, and deepening my commitment to living a path of Divine Love, was essential for my growth and my creative work. In one of his homilies several years ago, Pope Francis said, “God is the God of surprises.” So, even if we don’t yet have words for what’s happening, we need to say “Yes!” When we turn in the direction of God's desire for us, we invite surprise and grace to touch us. We dare to have the courage, just like the man with the withered hand, to stretch out our hand and let God touch our lives. How many times have you found yourself following an intuition, a longing, a curiosity, even though you’re not sure why? By saying “Yes,” we allow ourselves to be open and vulnerable to God acting in our lives.


How is God inviting you at this time in your life to "stretch out your hand?"


Dear God, may I be willing to be vulnerable, and let Your love heal me.
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