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Reflection by Margaret Ann Stimatz
Today's Gospel: Luke 16:1-13 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.” (Luke 16: 13a)
I apply this verse by envisioning one side of my heart labeled “Jesus”; and the other side labeled “Self.” Practically speaking, Self is master when -- instead of allowing God to direct a choice -- I permit some person, object or activity to do so. In that situation, the person, object or activity is functioning as an idol for me. When I am pushing my own agenda, my choices revolve around the idols. Self is in charge. God is left out of the picture.
Some of my personal idols relate to activities of self-comfort. For example, I will attempt to appear politically correct because I seek the comfort of “fitting in” or of “not rocking the boat.” When I zip my lip to avoid saying why the Church opposes gay marriage, who is actually functioning as my master? Is this what God wants? Or is Self in the driver’s seat?
Yes, such battles rage within my heart, and sometimes I capitulate to the mastery of Self. I am so thankful that the God who calls me to holiness bends over backwards to help me. He pours out grace and strength through so many means: personal prayer, the Rosary, Adoration, the Sacraments, intercession of Guardian Angels, Mother Mary and the saints, and so much more. If, day after day, I do my part by availing myself of these provisions, our Savior will complete in me the good work He has begun. More and more, I will serve Him as my only Master, in every choice I make.
Copyright 2019 Margaret Ann Stimatz Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
Where in my life am I seeking my own agenda rather than God's by allowing some person, object or activity direct my choices?Pray:
Lord, relieve me of the bondage of self. Strengthen me by Your grace to surrender to following Your agenda, not mine, in the choices I make today.Copyright 2019 Margaret Ann Stimatz Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required

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