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Reflection by Catherine Schipper

Today's Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 - Feast of St. Mark

The gospel today is a passage from Mark’s gospel for the Feast Day of St. Mark, a day of celebration in our home as my husband’s name is Mark. The Great Commission is the mission of the Church as well as the mission statement of my parish. Each of us is called to proclaim the good news of Jesus. But how? I recalled conversation several years ago with my spiritual director. She advised me to “write a book”. Laughingly, I responded that was not something I was called to do, saying “I’m not a writer”. Subsequently, my dear friend Sue offered a suggestion that I should use my gifts to write a book. Wait a minute! What did they see that I didn’t? Finally, a total stranger came up to me and simply said, “You are a writer and you need to write a book” before walking away. That got my attention! These encouragers were “telling” me to “go” out of my comfort zone as they challenged me to “disciple” others. I now realized it wasn’t about a book, but a call to discipleship. Soon after, I received an email from CatholicMom.com inviting readers to write a gospel reflection for their blog. With much trepidation, I said yes. With many prayers I began frequently praying “in His name” that I could write to encourage or minister to just one person. After submitting a reflection about the blind beggar, I began on a journey of vision loss realizing that that one person was me. Although I felt challenged and questioned how to continue, I persevered and am dedicated to telling others about Jesus Christ so that they too can go and make disciples one person at a time.

Saint Mark, pray for us!

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How are you being called to go outside your comfort zone to proclaim the Good News?


Dearest Lord, give me the strength and courage to proclaim Your name to others and lead them to Your heavenly kingdom. Amen.

Copyright 2020 Catherine Schipper

As I continue forward on a journey of vision loss I could not do this without the help of my husband of 44 years. We enjoy traveling, going to musicals as well as concerts and finding new adventures.

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