Today's Gospel: Luke 10:1-12 Today my husband and I celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary. This Gospel reading isn’t traditionally read in terms of marriage, but I can’t help seeing a reflection of the community of our family that’s been built over the last decade. Jesus sent His seventy-two ahead of Him to bring the Good News. It wasn’t going to be easy, He warned; they would be “like lambs among wolves.” Nor were they to seek comfort or even what seemed to be necessities from the world. They were to accept what they were given, and turn away from whatever was not of Christ and His kingdom. In this, I see how my husband and I were called to each other and called to serve through our relationship. We met at our church youth group when we were in high school, and in the nearly six years we dated before we married, always strove to have Christ at the center of our relationship. With His love to support us, we came to understand ourselves as called to preach the Gospel, by word, but more powerfully by deed. Our life together is not about the size of our house, where we work, or what our children accomplish. Rather, it is about getting each other — and our children — to Heaven. It is about being a light in an otherwise dark world. For us, today is a day to look back and see how well we’ve done that. Is our home a place where people can expect to find peace? How can we better offer a glimpse of Heaven in our family life? The kingdom of God is at hand. Praise God for our vocation, for the sacrament of matrimony, and for His call of holiness for everyone.


How has God provided for you in your vocation?


Lord Jesus, You call each of us to serve You. Help me to continue to discern Your voice and trust You will provide all I need to preach Your Good News.
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