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Today's Gospel: Luke 1:39-45
Today's Gospel touches my heart in so many ways. Two cousins meeting for the first time to share the joyous news of their pregnancies. Mary acknowledges her cousin's long-awaited child. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, has her own realization (along with her baby's) that Mary's child is Lord.
The happiness they share reached out from the pages and I see the two women clearly smiling at each other in wonder and love. Neither woman knows the future, but they have great faith and trust in God.
My own faith and trust in God grew out of the Hail Mary prayer. It was one of the first prayers I learned as a convert. To this day when I am frightened or in pain, I Hail Mary my way through it, because I know "nothing will be impossible for God."
Copyright 2019 Pam Spano Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
What in your own life was impossible, but through prayer became possible?Pray:
Hail Mary, full of grace, help me see that nothing is impossible with God.Copyright 2019 Pam Spano Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required

About the Author

Pam Spano
Pam Spano converted to the Catholic faith as an adult over 30 years ago. Her conversion story started when she sarcastically said to her Catholic boyfriend at the time, "I suppose if we were to get married, you would want me to convert." He thought for a moment and said, "Well, I am worried about your soul." And so the journey began ...