Today's Gospel: Luke 2:16-21 - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God The gospel for the solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God opens with the uplifting story of the shepherds who rush to Bethlehem to see Mary and Joseph and an infant lying in a manger. These simple men have been transformed by their angelic encounter. No longer timid, they are rather on fire, bursting to share the angel’s message with everyone. No one questions the shepherds' tale, and their listeners are immediately filled with awe. Perhaps the truth of the good news resonates within their own hearts. Then the shepherd’s return to their fields, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. Rather than fondly listening to this charming tale of Christ’s birth this year, let’s stop and really think about this mystery. The fact that God became a tiny infant should baffle our mortal minds. If we step back and at least try to view the birth of the Son of God from the point of view of the Holy, Immortal, Almighty One, we can begin to open ourselves to a reality of cosmic proportions. The Eternal God entered time. Christ can also infiltrate our everyday lives if we allow Him to implant eternity in our mortal hearts. The real wonder of what took place on the first Christmas can happen every day in the heart of each believer. The very first Christmas was the invasion of time by eternity. It is both a reality and a mystery, a sacred moment changing all of history.


How can we respond to this mystery of the Incarnation in our daily lives?


Lord, grant us the grace to ponder the wonder of God who became man and imitate Mary who kept all these things in her heart and pondered them.
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