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Today's Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 The call of God can take us in many interesting directions. This passage from the Gospel of Matthew reminds me of a time when I had to leave everything behind to follow God’s call. It involved placing all my worldly possessions in a U-Haul trailer and scaling some mountains to make it to my destination out of state. My journey would require me to preach the Gospel of Life as a pro-life advocate. In leaving everything behind--including parents, sister, and friends--I discovered a new, fulfilling life. The beginning of Jesus’ Galilean ministry must have come with a mixture of emotions--excitement, wonder, and expectation. Christ was fulfilling the words of the prophet Isaiah, becoming the light which would overcome the darkness in which far too many people lived. When I hear Jesus’ words, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” I immediately engage in a bit of soul-searching. What sins do I need to overcome? What is separating me from the love of God? How can I do my part to bring a little heaven to earth as I await the day when, I hope and pray, I will be united forever with Him in a state of eternal bliss. I sit in awe as I consider this Scripture verse: “He went around all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness among the people.” Jesus selflessly reaches out to the masses, instructing them, sharing the Good News with them, and offering them healing. He is the One they have been waiting for, the One who is longing to draw near to us, showering us with blessings. How blessed we are to know, love, and serve this Jesus!


Where do you believe God is calling you to serve at this stage of your life?


Dear God, please help me to know the path You wish me to follow in order to fulfill my unique calling.
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