Today's Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Have you ever met someone whose mere presence is like a magnet? Someone who everyone was drawn to, wanted to be around, and whose company was so positive and refreshing you didn’t want them to leave? Today’s Gospel indicates that Jesus was one of those people. As soon as He entered Simon’s mother-in-law’s house, everyone was looking for Him. He cured her, ate with her and all of a sudden the whole town was gathered at her door! In a way, I feel like we are all called to be like that, a Jesus magnet. As Christians, we should be full of joy, kindness, positive affirmation and genuine care and concern that people are drawn to us, in order that we might draw them to Christ. At one of my son’s sporting events, I was sitting on the sidelines, cheering him on and the man sitting next to me almost ruined the whole experience for me. Negativity dripped out of his mouth with almost every word he spoke. He was watching his son and obviously didn’t want to be there. As the game ended he huffed, “one game down, 4 or 5 to go” already dreading the next one. I wanted so badly to confront him, saying, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. We’re here to support our kids!” But I kept quiet, because you never know what you can get sued for these days. Just as this person repelled me, my attitude, words and actions should do just the opposite. I most certainly will not reach the point where everyone is looking for me, as they were Jesus, but even if I can make a small difference in the lives of those I come into contact with each day, helping to turn their hearts toward Him, I can change the world.


Do my words, attitudes and actions help attract others to Christ?


Lord, allow me to make a small difference in the lives of those I come into contact with each day, helping to turn their hearts toward You.
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