Today's Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12 Today I celebrate the day I became a mom. After 3 days of on-and-off contractions, preeclampsia, and a labor that wouldn’t progress, I finally ended up with a C-section and a deeper exhaustion than I have ever known. Yet after this Calvary, I had my resurrection. I was finally a mom! After waiting 11 years for Mr. Right to appear and making so many foolish and desperate decisions in the meantime, God had finally used my body to create life! My son turns seven today, and with three little brothers trying to imitate his every move, I often have to admonish him to be a good example. Just as Jesus warned against the scribes and the Pharisees who did not practice what they preached, I have to remind him that just because he is the oldest, he does not have the right to lord it over his brothers. In many ways our whole society needs to be reminded of this message, “You have but one teacher and you are all brothers.” What a world we could live in if we all treated each other as brothers and sisters in Christ! Not falling into laziness at home thinking someone else will take care of it, not vying for the boss’s attention at work to gain better perks, not comparing houses, cars and electronics with our neighbor…we are all brothers! Seven years later, I still marvel at the gift of life, the gift of motherhood, and I try to ingrain in my boys what a gift brotherhood is as well. They will always be there for each other, have each other’s backs, support each other, play and pray with each other, because no matter what happens as they navigate through this life, when all is said and done, they will always be brothers.


In which particular circumstances do I allow laziness or pride to prevent me from seeing others as my brothers and sisters in Christ?


Lord, help me to remember today that You are my only teacher. Grant me the grace to be humble and see Your children as my brothers and sisters.
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