Reflection by Virginia Lieto Today's Gospel: Mark 7:1-13 Today’s Gospel reading can be a tough pill to swallow! No one likes being called a hypocrite. But, let’s face reality. You go to Mass every Sunday. You say your prayers daily. You consider yourself to be a “good Catholic.” Yet, deep down, is that true? When was the last time you went out of your way to do something nice for someone else, expecting nothing in return? Not even a thank you. When did you care for the least of those among us, purely for the love of God, and not with some ulterior motive? Could Christ call you a hypocrite today? If the answer is yes, then this Gospel message is for you, and for just all of us who read it. We are all sinners, and all fall short of living up to Christ’s call to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Today, heed Christ’s call to serve others, lest He rightfully calls you a hypocrite.


What can you do today, purely for the love of God and neighbor, to live up to your calling as Christ’s follower?


Lord Jesus, help me to see the need today to help others, expecting nothing in return. Help me to care for the least among me for Your holy sake. Amen.
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