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Reflection by Virginia Lieto

Today's Gospel: John 21:1-14

When we try to do things on our own, we usually do not have good results. Yet, when we follow the inspiration of the Spirit, and align our wills with God’s Will, we find great success. In today’s Gospel, Peter tells the others that he is going fishing. Peter returns to what he knows, as he is a fisherman by trade. Despite the fact that the Lord commissioned Peter and the other Apostles to do Christ’s work, Peter goes fishing. What happens? He catches nothing. Then as dawn approaches, a man from the shoreline instructs Peter to cast his net over the right side of the boat. At this point, what does Peter have to lose? So, he and the others did as instructed. What happens? They catch so many fish that it was amazing that the net did not break! Who gave the instructions? Jesus! What I love about this Gospel passage is that the Apostles did not need to ask this man his name, for they knew in their hearts that it was Jesus in His glorified body. We, too, know that voice in our own hearts, when Jesus speaks to us. The question is: Do we do as instructed?

[Tweet "When we try to do things on our own, we usually do not have good results. Yet, when we align our wills with God’s will, we find great success. #dailygospel By @virginialieto"]


Do you listen for God’s instructions and then act in accordance with His will?


Lord, Jesus, help me to hear Your voice, to listen to Your instructions, and then act in accordance with Your Holy Will. Amen.

Copyright 2020 Virginia Lieto

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