Reflection by Vijaya Bodach
Today's Gospel: John 13:16-20
Although we’re well into Eastertide, we return to the night of Holy Thursday after Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. He has chosen them and reminds them how they are to serve, like Him. He prepares them for His Passion so that they will not forget His Divinity. But we know they don’t fully grasp what Christ has done -- instituted both the priesthood and the Eucharist -- until the Holy Spirit descends upon them at Pentecost.
Indeed, our priests are chosen, their hands specially anointed so that they can bring Jesus to us. We remember that though Jesus suffered unimaginable agony and died an ignoble death, deserted by all His friends, save John, He made a way to stay with us until the end of time. We sing, “Lord, accept the gifts we offer / at this Eucharistic Feast.
/ Bread and wine to be transformed now, / through the action of Thy priest.” Even now, when many of us can't receive Him, how blessed we are to have our holy priests still fulfilling their mission of consecrating the Eucharist each day. Let us commit to memory this beautiful prayer of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower.
O Jesus, eternal Priest,
keep Thy priests within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart,
where none may harm them.
Keep unstained their anointed hands,
which daily touch Thy Sacred Body.
Keep unsullied their lips,
purpled with Thy Precious Blood.
Keep pure and unearthly their hearts,
sealed with the sublime mark of Thy glorious priesthood.
Let Thy holy love surround them and
shield them from the world's contagion.
Bless their labors with abundant fruit and
may the souls to whom they minister be their joy and consolation here and in heaven their beautiful and everlasting crown. Amen.
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Do you remember to pray for your parish priest every day?
My dear Jesus, thank You for giving us Your priests and Yourself through them. Teach us to love one another and serve as You do.
Copyright 2020 Vijaya Bodach
Vijaya Bodach is a scientist-turned-children’s writer and an atheist-turned-Catholic. She is also wife, mother of two grown children, pet-wrangler, teacher, speaker, Latin Mass lover, and chorister. She is the author of 60+ books for children. BOUND is her first novel. She writes about faith, family, books, and writing at her blog.
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