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Reflection by Gretchen Matthews

Today's Gospel: John 16:12-15

When I was growing up, I attended non-denominational churches with my family. One of the songs from that period of my life that has stuck with me is “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love.” The simple lyrics say,

We are one in the Spirit

We are one in the Lord

And we pray that all unity

May one day be restored

And they'll know we are Christians

By our love

This tune represents what today’s reading explains to us, and what Christians everywhere know from experience: The Holy Spirit guides us to the Truth, and directs us to go forth and glorify the Father by doing His will in the world. We are to love all people by relying on His strength, not our own.

But I’m not a very loving person when I don’t call on the Spirit, who has lived inside of me ever since my Baptism. I don’t see the same evidence of His fruit when I forget that I am His child and that His help is always available to me. I show significantly less joy, generosity, kindness, patience, peace, and gentleness with the people who cross my path.

Only by trusting in the Father, adoring the Son, and relying on the Spirit, Who gives us wisdom, understanding, fortitude and other gifts, can we help bring about the unity of the world that we all dream of.

[Tweet "I know what Christians everywhere do: I show significantly less joy, generosity, kindness, and patience if I don't ask the Holy Spirit to do His work in me. By @likedewfall"]


Does my life show that I glorify God? Is there evidence of the Holy Spirit working through me? Time with the Lord gives us insights as to how He would like us to use the gifts He showers upon us through His Spirit.


Lord, I need your help to be the loving person you want me to be, and I know I fail regularly. Thank you for counting me among your beloved children. Please lift me up today, and give me your strength through the Holy Spirit.

Copyright 2020 Gretchen Matthews

Gretchen Matthews encourages others to see grace at work in their lives at her blog, Like the Dewfall, which you can find at GretchenMatthews.com.

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