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Reflection by Colleen O'Dowd

Today's Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20

Well. There it is. We have 4 jobs.

  1. Go.
  2. Make disciples.
  3. Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Teach them to observe all Jesus has commanded.

But then there’s this last line — where Jesus gives us context for WHAT we are supposed to be doing and HOW we are supposed to do it. He tells us with a big BEHOLD — I am with you until the end of the age.

And then. Um. He leaves.


Just kidding … He sends us the Holy Spirit! For me, this is a key example of HOW Jesus means us to do our job — of Go. Make Disciples. Baptize. And Teach. By being intentional and authentic with others. By radical hospitality. By accompanying people.

And this is not a one-and-done scenario. It takes time, energy, and effort. This is what the Holy Spirit does. Stays with us. Until Jesus returns.

We have to do what Jesus did. And walk what Jesus walked. And stay where Jesus stayed. With others. All others. And especially the others nobody else wants to be with.

This is the Great Commission. Can you imagine? CO-mission? Like an ACTUAL #MissionFromGod that Jesus has asked us to share?

THIS is how I desire to spend my life. And we hear the vision at Mass … all throughout — but especially when we hear “that we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life.”

There it is. Mission and vision. Jesus-Style. So let’s stop looking at the sky and get to work.

[Tweet "We have to do what Jesus did. And walk what Jesus walked. And stay where Jesus stayed. With others. All others. And especially the others nobody else wants to be with. By @catholiccolleen"]


Who was the last person I introduced to the person of Jesus? How am I doing on #TheFourJobs?


Lord Jesus — I desire to live out Your Mission to the world and bring others with me through Your Vision. Help me be the lens to You -- as You are the lens to Your Father and mine.

Copyright 2020 Colleen O'Dowd

Colleen O’Dowd is the Director of Lifelong Catechesis at Our Lady of Ransom Parish in Niles, IL. She loves being Catholic, her Converse all-stars are always liturgically correct, and she is a super-saint-geek! She blogs ultra-occasionally at OurHeartsWereBurningWithin.wordpress.com and can also be found @catholiccolleen on Twitter and Instagram.

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