Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Reflection by Colleen O'Dowd
Today's Gospel: Mark 5:21-43
Sometimes I feel like life is impossible. Like Jairus and his unnamed wife. Sometimes I feel like everything I have has been poured out. Like the woman with the hemorrhage. I have done all I can. I have spent all I have. And still my life is a mess.
And then I look for Jesus. More than just in prayer. I actually go looking for Him. I seek an encounter. A word. A touch. A name. I come with my emptiness. With my sickness. With my desperation. With my own death. Sometimes it’s when I have nothing left that an encounter with Jesus means the most. Jesus could not love me more than in my own poverty, brokenness, and need. In fact – this is often when God jumps into action. Not because God wants me to “wait it out,” or “offer it up.” But because He wants to make sure I know He is with me. That my desire to draw near to Him through Jesus might reflect even a small portion of His desire to be near to me.
Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the hemorrhage are two of my favorite stories in all of Scripture. So much so that I was a little nervous when the series The Chosen decided to cover them in Season 3. I thought, “Could the creators possibly make me love these two characters more?” They could and did!
If I had a daughter, her name would be Talitha Koum. We all love the sound of our own name when spoken with love. On the day of the second coming, I'd want her to know her name when Jesus called it. And “Little girl, arise!” is what He’d say. I can’t think of a better way to be called to eternal life!
What in my life do I need to surrender to help me take one step closer to God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit?
Lord God, help me surrender whatever gets in the way of being close to You. Help me know today that I am Your beloved daughter. Your little girl. And that You delight in me!
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Sometimes it’s when I have nothing left that an encounter with Jesus means the most. Jesus could not love me more than in my own poverty, brokenness, and need. #DailyGospel
Copyright 2024 Colleen O'Dowd
Colleen O’Dowd is a parish missionary at Our Lady of Ransom in Niles, IL. She loves being Catholic; her Converse All Stars, Crocs and socks are always liturgically correct; and she is a super-saint-geek! She blogs ultra-occasionally at www.ourheartswereburningwithin.wordpress.com and can also be found @catholiccolleen on Twitter and Instagram.