Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Luke 1:39-45
We have a finite number of minutes on this earth and breaths in our body.
We have a finite number of days until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
How we choose to spend each and every one of them matters. It matters to our own souls, and it matters to the world. Every choice to do one thing is a choice to leave another undone.
After receiving the astonishing message that she was to bear the Son of God into the world, how did Mary respond? Her first act was a movement of mercy. She ran to her cousin Elizabeth, both to share her joyful but shocking news and to tend to Elizabeth’s own pregnancy.
More importantly, though, how did Mary go? She went in haste. She knew there was not a moment to spare. Mary understood that the work of proclaiming the Kingdom of God required that she begin immediately.
Mary and Elizabeth, during their visit, quickly embraced each other’s joy as their own. This is what happens when Christians are using their moments wisely. We are called to share deeply in the moments of each other’s lives -- the joyful and sorrowful ones alike -- all while breathing out praise to the Lord for his wisdom and mercy in providing us with both.
We, too, do not have moments to spare. The words that have been spoken to us by the Lord will be fulfilled one day: Jesus is coming back. In this season of Advent, we have been preparing our hearts for his first coming, but the next has also been promised. We know not the hour or the day, but we know its inevitability.
You have works of mercy to do in this world, chosen and gifted to you by our gracious God. Whatever they are, do them in haste.
How have you actively responded to Christ’s promise that He is coming, both to a lowly manger and to fulfill God’s plan at the end of history?
Come, Radiant Dawn, to light our numbered days; we await you with great hope and joy. Give us the grace we need to do your work without hesitation.
Copyright 2020 Christy Wilkens
About the Author

Christy Wilkens
Christy Wilkens, wife and mother of six, is an armchair philosopher who lives in Austin, TX. She writes at FaithfulNotSuccessful.com about disability, faith, doubt, suffering, community, and good reads. Her first book, Awakening at Lourdes: How an Unanswered Prayer Healed Our Family and Restored Our Faith, a memoir about a pilgrimage with her husband and son, will be released by Ave Maria Press in 2021.