Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Luke 1:46-56
It’s intriguing that the Mother of our Lord says, “my soul proclaims.” Why not, “my mouth,” or “my lips,” or “my mind"? How does a soul sing praise? The Catechism of the Catholic Church has this to say about our souls: In Scripture, the word “soul” refers to the innermost aspect of man, and that which is of greatest value for every human person. Our bodies are animated by our souls, which are created immediately by God (not “produced” by the parents). The unity of soul and body is so profound that we must think of the soul as the “form” of our body. In us, spirit and matter are not two natures united, but a union that forms a single nature! (CCC, 363-366, paraphrased, emphasis added).
Reading those words sheds light on Mary’s proclamation. Her spiritually pure and faithful soul “animated” her body to sing praise. She was rooted in the faith of her ancestors, and knew the teachings of the prophets, and she believed! In this regard, Mary was very much like her cousin Elizabeth and the child within Elizabeth’s womb, the baby who would pave the way for the ministry of Christ. All three of them praised God with their souls, the baby of Elizabeth by leaping in the womb, Elizabeth in her inspired greeting, and the Blessed Mother with her canticle.
These days we can see plenty of evidence that mankind is being hideously manipulated to perceive the body as having precedence over the soul, assigning it a higher value. This leads us away from the Truth, further from genuine happiness. Our body must be trained as a faithful servant to the soul, which is centered in Christ.
Is it obvious by the actions of my body that I know the Creator of my soul, and understand its superiority over my bodily needs? What kind of “food” will nourish my soul and make it stronger?
Blessed Mother, pray that my soul will be strengthened, and my body animated in such a way that my witness becomes a powerful influence in the world around me. Amen.
Copyright 2020 Charlene Rack
About the Author
Charlene Rack
Charlene Rack grew up in the "heartland," moved south to Cincinnati, married a Catholic man, converted to Catholicism, and had three children. Along the way, she's planned many mission trips, youth groups, and pilgrimages to the March for life for teens and young adults - all carried out with her goofy sense of humor and her enthusiastic sense of adventure. Read her blog at Grandma’s Coffee Soup.