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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 9:57-62

Shortly after I converted to Catholicism, I went on a retreat with my new Catholic friends. I distinctly remember the closing of the retreat. We were given time alone, to pray and reflect upon where God was calling us. We were to meet in the chapel when we were done. I prayed and journaled for a while, then headed back. As I walked toward the chapel doors, a strong sense of hesitation, perhaps even a bit of fear, came over me. I thought to myself, “ Charlene, if you walk through that door, you’re making a lifetime commitment to being a disciple of Christ.” I stood absolutely frozen for a several seconds. Then I heard Christ quite clearly saying, “Follow me!” I rushed into the chapel with love in my heart and tears streaming down my face.

Looking back, I’m so grateful that I understood (as well as I could in that moment) the weight of my decision, and that I had the grace to say, “I’m ALL in!”

Thirty-seven years later, I’ve chalked up a lot of joys, growing in my faith, raising children who are strong in their faith and now blessing me with grandchildren, and meeting so many wonderful friends. Of course, I’ve had my share of suffering along the way, with three complicated pregnancies, losing my father weeks after our first child was born, stage 2 breast cancer and a debilitating fall-out from the chemotherapy (which brought on health issues that continue to this day). But, through it all, God has called me closer and closer, through retreats and prayer, through reading about many of our canonized saints, through the intercession and support of so many homeschooling friends, to where I find myself today - a retired caregiver working to be a bona fide Catholic writer!




When Christ calls, do I immediately say yes, or do I think of other things I must do first?



Jesus, I love You with all my heart. Fill me with the courage and grace to come running when You call, always ready to give my all (even as the martyrs gave their very lives)!


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Then I heard Christ quite clearly saying, “Follow me!” I rushed into the chapel, with love in my heart, and tears streaming down my face. #dailygospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Charlene Rack