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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Emily Davis

Today's Gospel: Matthew 2:13-18 - Feast of the Holy Innocents


Poor King Herod, and all his scribes and chief priests. What weak men they were at heart. They knew that God was powerful and that the prophecies of old were coming true. They were so scared that the coming of the Messiah (Jesus) would ruin their way of life, they schemed up a plan to have all children under the age of two killed in and around Bethlehem.

I read that the slaughter of these innocents was the first time, in recorded history, that we see conflict between Christianity and politicians. Sadly, in our world today, the story of hatred and irrational cruelty is the same one playing out -- in the murder of innocent babies through abortion; the murder of people with disabilities and the elderly through euthanasia or assisted suicide; and the systematic removal of Christian values/morals from every aspect of society by people who hate and fear God and His Church.

The good news is, God had a plan for the Holy Family, as He does for our lives. Jesus lived! And He’s alive in us.

Our Catholic Christianity demands that we value life from conception to natural death. We are called to be bold and brave in our faith and walk as Jesus did. It is rarely easy and we often feel helpless to change things. But in our heart of hearts, we know that we cannot let past, present, or future Innocents die in vain.

And so, in the name of the Innocents and martyrs before us, following Christ’s example: We feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and imprisoned, ransom the captive, and bury the dead.

In these ways, we help God triumph over evil.



What do I need to do to trust God’s plan for me to reach out to innocents and martyrs walking in this world?



Dear Lord, help me put aside my fear and anxiety and help me emanate You and Your love to all. Please lovingly correct me when I fail to see Your plan. Amen.

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The good news is, God had a plan for the Holy Family, as He does for our lives. Jesus lived! And He’s alive in us.


Copyright 2020 Emily Davis

Emily Davis is -- Catholic. Texan. Wife. Mama. Grandma. Crafter. Volunteer. Friend. Teacher. Writer. Faith Influencer. In late 2018, Emily’s husband moved the family to Europe in support of the Navy and it’s been quite an adventure. Emily is teaching CCD and volunteering for both the Catholic community and military community overseas. Their youngest son Christopher is a sophomore in high school. Her blog is Our Home, Mary’s Mantle.