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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 4:35-41


I called my dad to tell him that I would not be able to go home for the weekend after all. I had been navigating a challenging season, and weekends at my parents’ a couple of hours away were a much needed respite. As I came out of work to the hissing sound of a nail in my tire, I could only see an obstacle and was on the verge of tears as I made the call.

“Get in the car and drive to get it fixed, and then come,” was his reply. I had not realized the solution would be so easy. I had not thought about how it would still be safe to drive the short distance to the tire company, nor about how they would prioritize my need and promptly take care of it. When I conveyed my relief to my dad, he said, “I don’t know why you worry about these silly things.”

It is hard to weather the storms of life with peace and patience. We desire to avoid storms, but when they do occur, our human inclination seeks to find a quick resolution, to regain a sense of stillness and have the storm behind us. When that is not the case or we cannot yet see it, there can be a natural tendency towards feelings of desperation.

I would imagine Jesus’ questions, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?,” prompted a lot of self reflection just as questions like my dad’s helped me to notice my propensity towards unnecessary worry. I have been on a journey of growing in trust. Over the decades, my foundation of faith has been strengthened, and I am grateful for inspiring mentors who so calmly approach storms with peace.



Where are you at in your journey of growing in trust rooted in faith, helping you to navigate the storms of life with patience and peace?



Loving Lord, please help us to grow ever more confident in Your power and love for us so that we can calmly approach the storms we encounter.

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We desire to avoid storms, but when they do occur, our human inclination seeks to find a quick resolution, to regain a sense of stillness and have the storm behind us. #dailygospel


Copyright 2021 Amanda Villagómez