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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 8:1-4

The leper knelt before Jesus, believed He could cure him, and phrased his petition from a Thy will stance, by saying, “if you wish.” I love that in this gospel even though “great crowds followed him,” Jesus created space for a humble, faithful request. Rather than bask in the attention of the crowds, Jesus was attentive to and present to the needs of another.

Jesus did not just acknowledge him among the great crowds and respond to his desire. He could have healed the leper in any way, but Jesus did so in a way that affirmed his dignity when he chose to heal by touching the “untouchable.”

This passage can be a good reminder that God has time for each of us, among the crowds. He invites us to a sense of time pausing amid the chaos in order to have heart to heart, intimate connection as if we were alone, even while surrounded by others. Those moments fill us up.

Being conformed to Christ means that we recognize the beauty of His invitation to us and then strive to love and serve those around us in ways that prioritize the value of human connection. It draws us out of ourselves to recognize the beauty of giving quality attention to another.

As a wife and mom, the day I was pondering this passage I recognized that my husband was someone who, amidst the crowd of our five lively girls, often did not receive the attention he deserved from me. It helped me to consider small steps I could take to create more space for him.

Being conformed to Christ means that we recognize the beauty of His invitation to us and then strive to love and serve those around us in ways that prioritize the value of human connection. #dailygospel


Who is someone that you feel called to be more attentive to, and what are a few small things you could do to take steps in the right direction?


Loving Lord, I can be overwhelmed amidst competing demands. Help me to recognize Your loving presence and then properly prioritize to demonstrate that same attentiveness to others.


Copyright 2020 Amanda Villagómez