Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 13:36-43
The obvious heart of today’s gospel is Jesus’ explanation of the parable of the wheat and the weeds. He explains the parable, saying the wheat represents the children of God’s kingdom and the weeds represent the children of the evil one. At first glance, that might make it seem predestined, not up to our choices, whether we grow up into wheat or weeds. The tiny details at the start of this reading, however, offer us great hope.
Jesus first sends away the throngs and goes into a private home. I see in this detail a signal that Christ longs to deepen the understanding of those who invite Him into their hearts—the home, in many ways, of the soul. Next in today’s gospel, Jesus waits to be approached by His disciples, which reminds us we only build a relationship with Jesus when we pursue Him in response to His pursuit of us. He replies, explains, and offers eternal light to the children of His kingdom.
And how do we become his children? It looks like Jesus is telling us that He wants us to invite Him, pursue Him, and to listen, really listen. “Whoever has ears ought to hear.”
What is one thing I can do today to invite Jesus into the home of my soul? How can I pursue Him and listen to Him more deeply?
Jesus, You are a gentleman. You will not force yourself into our lives, and You long for us to long for You. Guide us gently in that longing so that we may shine like the sun in the kingdom of Your Father and ours.
Copyright 2020 Erin McCole Cupp
About the Author
Erin McCole Cupp
Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, is grateful to be recovering from compulsive overeating, binge eating behaviors, and developmental and betrayal trauma. As a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach™, she coaches, writes and teaches about trauma and addiction recovery from a Catholic perspective. Take her quiz, “What kind of stress eater are you?” at